Wednesday 29 February 2012

Seminar Topic: BLUE BRAIN
                                “Blue brain” – The name of the world’s  first virtual brain. That means a machine   that can function as human brain.  Today scientists are in research to create an artificial brain that can think, response, take decision, and keep anything in memory. The main aim is to upload human brain into machine. So that man can think, take decision without any effort. After the death of the body, the virtual brain will act as the man .So, even after the death of a person we will not lose the knowledge, intelligence, personalities, feelings and memories of that man that can be used for the development of the human society.  No one has ever understood the complexity of human brain. It is complex than any circuitry in the world. So, question may arise “Is it really possible to create a human brain?” The answer is “Yes”. Because whatever man  has created today always he has followed the nature. When man does not have a device called computer, it was a big question for all .But today it is possible due to the technology. Technology is growing faster than everything.  IBM is now in research to create a virtual brain. It is called “Blue brain”. If possible, this would be the first virtual brain of the world.


Installation of GPSR in Ns 2.29

Installation of GPSR:
For the GPSR installation, use the ns-2.29 patch: [ns2-hls-patch.tar.gz] which is given in gpsrinstall folder.
Unpack the tar archive. The new archive includes three files. The patch file, a short README file and a file about the changes done by applying the patch. Apply the patch from your ns-2 directory and execute the patch:
patch -p1 < <path to ns-2.XX-hls.patch>
Changes when establishing the patch:
The patch adds three new directories and some new files:
  • The gpsr directory that includes the functionality of "greedy perimeter stateless routing".
  • The hls directory. Includes all stuff important for hls to work.
  • The locservice directory. Includes everything necessary for location services like HLS to work. Also included are the locservices GLS and RLS.
  • The two C++ codefiles geo_util.h, are added to the mobile directory
  • gpsr.tcl is added to the tcl/mobility/ directory. This is important for establishing a gpsr agent.
Changed files:
  • mobile/god.h /
  • common/mobilenode.h
  • common/packet.h
  • common/agent.h
  • common/ip.h
  • trace/cmu-trace.h /
  • mac/mac-802_11.h /
  • mac/mac.h
  • queue/priqueue.h /
  • tcl/lib/ns-mobilenode.tcl
  • tcl/lib/ns-lib.tcl
  • tcl/lib/ns-default.tcl
  • tcl/lib/ns-packet.tcl
When you have applied the patch, there is a directory called utils in the new directory hls. There is a tcl script file included that should help you to get used to work with gpsr and location services. There are also some sample files included.
Before you continue, do a make clean, followed by make.
You may get some errors in the files folder Queue due to lines like
if ((p = strstr(v->name(), "ave")) == NULL) &&
              ((p =strstr(v->name(), "prob")) == NULL) &&
              ((p =strstr(v->name(), "curq")) == NULL) &&
              ((p =strstr(v->name(), "cur_max_p"))==NULL) ) {
Replace the lines as

if (((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "ave"))) == NULL) &&
((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "prob"))) == NULL) &&
((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "curq"))) == NULL) &&   ((p = const_cast<char*>(strstr(v->name(), "cur_max_p")))==NULL) ) {

This error may occur in some of the files, replace all files and again try to run makeclean and make
You can start with the sample script hls.tcl. Execution: ../../ns hls.tcl

How to install Ns 2.29

Installation of ns2.29 on Fedora 13:

From terminal login as super user and do the following.(internet must also be connected in order to install the package dependencies.)

yum install autoconf
yum install automake
yum install gcc-c++
yum install libX11-devel
yum install xorg-x11-proto-devel
yum install libXt-devel
And for nam installation (optional):
yum install libXmu-devel

From terminal go to the folder where the ns-allinone patch is placed and type the following to extract
$ tar -xzf ns-allinone-2.31.tar.gz
$ cd ns-allinone-2.29
$. /install
At the time of installation it may give some of the problem in building tclcl1.17 or otcl 1.11,tk-8.4.11, for that use the patchs given in the folder ns2installation.
Step 3:
Place the patch in folder tk8.4.11 of nsallinone2.29.
Run the patch as “ $ patch -p0 < tk-8.4-lastevent.patch
Note: choose your compiler should be gcc4.1 and g++ 4.1.
Step 4:
Again try to install ns2 i,e
$ ./install
Step 5:
Now go to /etc folder and type

gedit ~/.bashrc

Add the following lines to the end of it.



Let it take effect immediately

source ~/.bashrc
Note: the step described above is important; otherwise, you cannot run ns successfully.
Now, the installation has been completed. If you try:
$ ns

Then a "%" will appear on the screen. type "exit" to quit the mode and back to "$"
Lastly $  ./validate